Radar Signal Postprocessing


  • P. Roosipuu
  • I. Arro


We have focused on synthesising the algorithm, which creates optimal conditions to discover a scanning radar signal and object parameters inside the signal - direction and radial distance estimates. Optimal estimation theory [3] and specifics of digital signal processing have been taken into account. In real situations there is need to process the received signal realisations which have reflected signals as well as realisations which are caused by random noise. The noise causes deviations at the maximum of ambiguity function. Caused by the latter fact the most used in practical radar solutions are delay extractors where the delay time estimation is associated with the time moment when an optimal receiver output signal exceeds predefined level. The value of this level is dependent of the desired trustworthy for the estimate. This process is also called front-end detection.Upon digital signal processing, the optimal correlation receiver can be considered as M channel system [4], where each channel k creates independent output signal as a result of processing input realisation. Estimates about propagation time and the object azimuth can be reached by simultaneously processing the output signals of all channels.



How to Cite

Roosipuu, P., & Arro, I. (2001). Radar Signal Postprocessing. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 31(2). Retrieved from https://eejournal.ktu.lt/index.php/elt/article/view/18695


