High frequency random signals correlation function measurement in a real time


  • V. A. Buinevicius


In this paper a method of high frequency random signals correlation function in a real time has been grounded. It is shown how the time step delay is organized by using coupled strobe pulses whose repetition frequency differs in exactly determined value. A high frequency converter is related to a low frequency correlator using a spectrum "compression" transformation, which retains the unchanged information of the high frequency random signals correlation function. Simultaneously, (in real time) there is obtained a set of correlation function values out of which there has been formed the measured function graph. Having performed a Fourier transformation, we obtain frequency characteristics of the investigated signals.



How to Cite

Buinevicius, V. A. (1998). High frequency random signals correlation function measurement in a real time. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 17(4). Retrieved from https://eejournal.ktu.lt/index.php/elt/article/view/16016


