Polycardiosignals Coherence Evaluation Results for Patients with Cardiopulmonary Diseases


  • G. Keršulytė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Z. Navickas Kaunas University of Technology
  • J. Blužas Kaunas University of Medicine
  • L. Gargasas Kaunas University of Medicine
  • A. Vainoras Kaunas University of Medicine
  • R. Ruseckas Kaunas University of Medicine
  • S. Sadauskas Kaunas University of Medicine
  • A. Naudžiūnas Kaunas University of Medicine


A big part of heart disease diagnostics criteria is collected by registration and analysis of cardio signals that show electric heart activity disturbance (EСG) and hemodynamic and mechanic activity changing, as impedance cardiograms (IСG) and seismocardiograms (SСG). Therefore, a solution of problem of effective heart disease diagnostic is the creation of new cardiosignals analysis technologies. Previously Fourier series were applied to frequency analysis of ECG, but this method was not applied to estimation of ICG and SCG frequency characteristics. In this paper, the frequency analysis method was applied to three cardio signals, because they reflect the electrical and mechanical work of the human heart better as one ECG signal. The main aim of this work is to adapt Fourier transformation to assessing and comparing the characteristics of hereinbefore signals and coherence. Ill. 7, bibl. 9 (in English; summaries in English, Russian and Lithuanian).




How to Cite

Keršulytė, G., Navickas, Z., Blužas, J., Gargasas, L., Vainoras, A., Ruseckas, R., Sadauskas, S., & Naudžiūnas, A. (2007). Polycardiosignals Coherence Evaluation Results for Patients with Cardiopulmonary Diseases. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 77(5), 41-44. Retrieved from https://eejournal.ktu.lt/index.php/elt/article/view/10737

